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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Arthur Joly

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Recosynth Jolymod Mini and Reco Mini Bass, new lovely analog synths by Arthur Joly

Recosynth Jolymod Mini and Reco Mini Bass, new lovely analog synths by Arthur Joly

Arthur Joly from Recosynth introduces two lovely boutique analog Synthesizers: Jolymod Mini a cute modular and Reco Mini Bass Synths can be bought off the shelf or from small independent developers with garage labs. You [...] The post Recosynth Jolymod...

HardwareNewsSynthesizersAnalog Modular SynthesizerJolymod MiniModular Analog SynthesizerReco Mini BassRecosynthRecosynth Reco Mini Bass
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Recosynth Sistema Euro Reco, new modular Synthesizer system by Arthur Joly

Recosynth Sistema Euro Reco, new modular Synthesizer system by Arthur Joly

Arthur Joly of Recosynth has released a beginner Eurorack system “Sistema Euro Reco” with three oscillators… packed in a very unique, handcrafted case.  The nice thing about the hardware Synthesizer market is its diversity. You [...]...

EurorackHardwareNewsSynthesizersArthur JolyEurorack SynthesizerRecosynthRecosynth Sistema Euro Reco 2021Synthesizer
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Recosynth Recodrum, Boutique Analog Drum Machine By Arthur Joly

Recosynth Recodrum, Boutique Analog Drum Machine By Arthur Joly

Arthur Joly aka Recosynth, a Brazilian manufacturer has today presented Recodrum, a hand-built, analog drum machine with a lot charm. Big synthesizer developer players like to use plastic for the case. Korg already shows last [...] The post Recosynth R...

Drum MachinesHardwareNewsArthur JolyDrum MachineRecodrumRecosynth RecodrumRecosyth